Study in Malaysia

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Study in Malaysia: Unlock Opportunities with The Guidance

Malaysia is an emerging hub for international education, offering a rich blend of cultural diversity, modern infrastructure, and academic excellence. Studying in Malaysia provides Bangladeshi students with the opportunity to receive a high-quality education in a welcoming and vibrant environment. At The Guidance, we are committed to helping you navigate your educational journey to Malaysia with ease and success.

Why Choose Malaysia?

Top Cities in Malaysia for Bangladeshi Students
Malaysia has many cities with universities that welcome international students, including Bangladeshi students. Here are some of the top cities in Malaysia for Bangladeshi students to consider:

1. Kuala Lumpur
2. Penang
3. Johor Bahru
4. Kota Kinabalu
5. Shah Alam

These cities offer a variety of options for Bangladeshi students who are looking for quality education and a great student experience in Malaysia.

Scholarships in Malaysia for Bangladeshi Students

Malaysian Universities offer scholarships for international students to manage their expenses. Students applied for scholarships in undergraduate and postgraduate study programs. The types of scholarships are as follows:

  • Khazanah Global Scholarship.
  • MyBrainSc Scholarship.
  • Shell Malaysia Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship Awards.
  • Bank Negara Scholarships.
  • JPA Scholarship – Program JKPJ.
  • UEM Group Undergraduate Overseas Scholarship.
  • The Fulbright Program.
  • British Council GREAT Scholarships for Malaysian Students.

Intakes in Malaysia

There are typically two intakes in Malaysia. Here is some information on each intake:

September IntakeSeptember February
February IntakeMarch to August
Top Universities in Malaysia

Here are some of the top universities in Malaysia for international students:

  • The International Islamic University of Malaysia
  • The National University of Malaysia
  • The University of Malaysia Kelantan
  • The University of Malaysia Pahang
  • The University of Malaysia Perlis
  • University of Malaysia Sabah
  • The University of Malaysia Sarawak
Tuition Fees in Malaysia for Bangladeshi Students

The Tuition fees in Malaysia for Bangladeshi students can vary depending on the university, course of study, and level of study. Here is a rough estimate of the tuition fees for undergraduate and postgraduate courses for Bangladeshi students in Malaysia:

Undergraduate Programs:

Public UniversitiesPrivate Universities
Approx. 370,000 to 555,000 BDT Per YearApprox. 462,500 to 925,000 BDT Per Year

Postgraduate Programs:

Public UniversitiesPrivate Universities
Approx. 277,000 to 462,500 BDT Per YearApprox. 462,500 to 925,000 BDT Per Year
Cost of Living in Malaysia for International Students

The cost of living in Malaysia for international students can vary depending on various factors such as the city of study, lifestyle, accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses.

Here is a breakdown of the estimated monthly living expenses for international students in Malaysia:

Expenses CategoryApproximate Cost (Monthly)
Rent per monthApprox. 7,400 to 14,800 BDT Per Month
Food and housekeepingApprox. 11,100 to 14,800 BDT Per Month
UtilitiesApprox. 3,700 to 7,400 BDT Per Month
Phone and InternetApprox. 1,850 to 2,775 BDT Per Month
Books and Study MaterialsApprox. 1,850 to 3,700 BDT Per month
Travel & transportApprox. 1,850 to 2,775 BDT Per Month
Malaysian Visa Requirements for Bangladeshi Students
  • Valid Passport
  • Academic Transcripts & Certificate
  • Evidence of a full-time course of study that has been approved by the Minister of Home
  • Proof of Funds / Financial Documents Solvency Certificate
  • SOP
  • Academic/Job Reference letter
  • Medical test result
  • Health Insurance payment
  • Visa Appointment Letter
  • Documentation Checklist

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