Study in China

Study in China: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity with The Guidance

China, with its rich history and rapid modernization, offers Bangladeshi students a unique blend of ancient cultural heritage and cutting-edge academic opportunities. Studying in China opens doors to world-class education and vibrant cultural experiences. At The Guidance, we are dedicated to helping you navigate your educational journey to China with ease and success.

Why Choose China?

Top Cities in China for Bangladeshi Students

The most popular cities in China for Bangladeshi students are as follows:

  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Guangzhou
  • Shenzhen
  • Chengdu
  • Hangzhou
  • Xi’an
  • Nanjing
  • Wuhan

It is very important to keep in mind that personal preferences, budget, and the specific program of study will influence the selection of a city for individual students.

Scholarship Facilities in China for International Students

China offers various scholarship facilities for Bangladeshi students who want to pursue higher education in China. To apply for these scholarships, you need to check the eligibility criteria and application process on the respective websites. Here are some of the scholarship facilities available for Bangladeshi students:

  • Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC)
  • Chinese Local Government Scholarship
  • China-Bangladesh Friendship Scholarship
  • Chinese University Scholarship
  • Confucius Institute Scholarship

Steps to Study in China from Bangladesh

If you are a Bangladeshi student who wants to study in China, here are the steps you can follow:

  • Research your options: Look for universities and programs that fit your academic goals and interests. Check the admission requirements, tuition fees, and living expenses.
  • Choose a program and university: Once you have researched your options, choose a program and university that best suits your needs and interests.
  • Apply to the university: Check the admission deadlines and application requirements for your chosen university. Submit your application along with all the required documents.
  • Apply for a visa: Once you have received your acceptance letter from the university, apply for a student visa from the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Plan for finances: Calculate the total expenses for tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and other costs, and plan for finances accordingly.
  • Prepare for departure: Book your flights, purchase travel insurance, and make sure you have all the necessary documents such as your passport, visa, and admission letter.

Intakes in China

The University and Colleges of China have two major intakes.

Autumn/Fall intakeAugust to February
Spring intakeFebruary to August

Top Ranked Chinese Universities for Bangladeshi Students

China has many highly ranked universities that offer quality education to international students, including Bangladeshi students. Here are some of the top-ranked Chinese universities that are popular among Bangladeshi students:

  • Tsinghua University
  • Peking University
  • Fudan University
  • Zhejiang University
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Wuhan University
  • Nanjing University


Average Cost of Living in China

The cost of living in China for Bangladeshi students can vary depending on the city and lifestyle. Generally, living expenses in China are relatively lower compared to western countries.

Here are some estimated average costs of living in China for Bangladeshi students:

Expenses CategoryApproximate Cost (Monthly)
Accommodation22,000 to 44,000 BDT
Food14,700 to 22,000 BDT
Transportation3,000 to 4,500 BDT
Miscellaneous expenses:7,300 to 14,700 BDT

China Visa Requirements for Bangladeshi Students

  • Valid Passport
  • Academic Transcripts & Certificate
  • Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
  • Proof of Funds / Financial Documents Solvency Certificate
  • SOP
  • Academic/Job Reference letter
  • TB Test/Medical test result
  • Health Insurance payment
  • Visa Appointment Letter & Documentation Checklist

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